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    Monday, October 6, 2008


    Ok, so I have been tagged by my lovely friend Bethany. It is my first time, lol! I don't know who really follows my blog but I will tag a few people and find out I guess. So hear goes......

    Grab the nearest book.
    Open the book to page 56.
    Find the fifth sentence.
    Post the text of the next two to five sentences in your blog along with these instructions.
    Don't dig for your favorite book, the cool book, or the intellectual one: pick the CLOSEST.
    Tag five other people to do the same.

    so my book is....I know you are going to love this...........SEX AND THE CITY!!!!

    "Gee, Ray, I have no idea," Amalita said. She was just smiling now. "Maybe it has something to do with Brewster."

    "That goddamned little shit actor, " Ray said. "You mean, those lies that I told him about you because I wanted to get him for myself? Well, shit, honey, can you blame me? He had the biggest willy in L.A.

    Wow, right? Sorry, I could go on because the next couple sentences are so funny but I better censor that right now! LOL

    I have to say that it is so.....weird that of all pages to be picked, it is the one where my marker is. LOL I obviously didn't get very far into this book and I have had it for several years. I guess that is what kids do to you! :)

    Oh, and Bethany, mine is totally opposite of yours, lol!

    I tag anyone who reads this, lol!

    1 comment:

    Anonymous said...

    darn it, i was coming to tag you, lol. well, if you'd like to be tagged for a different game, check out my blog..!!
