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    Tuesday, December 2, 2008


    Ok, so I have never been good about journaling on here but I just loved this quote and it made me reflect on life and the struggles we all go through.

    "Sometimes you just have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down" - author unknown

    It really just sums it up for me. No matter where you are in your life there are risk. If we don't leap forward and learn we may never be fulfilled. We may grow old and gray and wish we would have taken more leaps. I am constantly building my wings. I hope one day they will be big and strong. Sometimes they get wet and seem like they are not going to grow but in the end faith makes them strong! If we all hold hands and support one another, we can all build our wings! :)

    This holiday season lets all stop and remember why we are here. Enjoy your time with family and friends and embrace the new year with faith, love and hope!

    Much love--xoxo

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