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    Monday, December 28, 2009

    Modeling for fun -- {Bryan/College Station Photographer}

    My family went to my in laws in San Antonio for Christmas. I was standing on the upstairs patio looking at the empty lot behind them. It was evening and the sun was setting. I got that little "ding,ding,ding" in my crazy little head. The light is flowing through the trees so beautiful and golden and there is green all over the ground, I wonder if my sweet and cute sister in law would want to do a fun little photo shoot over there this week. She happily agreed so we went through her closet. It started off as a grunge/teenage photo session and ended up more of a "Twilight" type session. My other sister in law is also doing photography so she joined us. They were both cracking me up by talking about things "Bella" does in the Twilight series. I saw the first movie but I'm not the huge fan a lot of people are, so I couldn't really remember how she acted and such like they did. I'm more into "True Blood". After doing this session, I def want to see it again. My young sis in law was not a huge fan of Twilight until recently. My mother in law bought her the series of books and she can't put them down. She informed me that the vampire bite is NOT two puncture marks but a crescent shape. I would have never known. Then they told me about the eyes of a vampire, they are dark when they are hungry and ready to feed and light when they are full. Perfect with Julie's eye color. Ya know, ya learn something new everyday right? lol Anyway, we started off with a fairy thing and went to more of a twilight thing. It was fun to just play. Julie was such a natural. Thanks again Julie. You are the bomb! OH, and I almost forgot! As we are shooting a spiked buck walks right into the lot. We are like "OMG", then a 4point (or so) buck walks up behind him. I can't say I have ever been that close to one. We were laughing saying that went right along with our theme but didn't get any pics of them in the background. They didn't last long. The clicking of our cameras ran them off. THEN, the neighbors had their binoculars out trying to figure out what we were doing. It was pretty funny! To the like 3 people that follow my blog, I hope you like them!

    ~ Stefanie

    This is when the deer started walking up





    My fav!!!



    Another fav!




    Notice the bite?



    I guess Edward bit her? lol






    That's all folks...



    Kayla Renckly said...

    these are incredible! love the look you have to them. have to say that is my favorite as well

    Amy Earhart said...

    I really, really like these! My favorite is the one where the sun hits under her chin!
